On 11-03-2008, Team Mission5 from GCC went to St. Francis de Sales [SFS] College,Hoskur Gate, Bangalore, to make a presentation on starting Mission5 there.
A short speech was followed by a photo documentary and CNN-IBN video of Mission5.
Following, a group of 10 students began surveying the locale and started Mission5 in their college on 27th March 2008.
They identified Assisi Charitable Trust for the Handicapped, Hoskur gate, as the place to begin helping with.
As per their requirement, the students donated 50-kg rice and 10-kg sugar to the physically challenged members here on 27th March 2008.
As of now, they look forward to donate 50-kg rice every month to the trust.
On 14th April 2008, they donated 50-kg rice again.
This branch of Mission5 is our 3rd branch in Bangalore;
M5 at Garden City College,
M5 at Central College and
M5 at SFS College.
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